Al Maciag
In order to fully appreciate the work of the author, it is necessary to conduct a good research, because only in this way you will be able to contribute to his cultural heritage. Using you will discover the author for yourself both as a creative personality and as a person and will be able to evaluate the works more objectively.
Al Maciag was born in 1950. He graduated with a Master's Degree in Art Education from Central Michiagn University in 1974. He can be found teaching for the last twenty-five years in the Frankenmuth School District. As an avid drawer, Alan has filled numerous sketch books with visual memories of past vacations and camping trips throughout Michigan. These drawings have been very valuable subject matter in many of his acrylic and oil paintings. His numerous commissions can be found in many private collections throughout the United States.
As a "plenair" artist you can find him sketching at a campsite one afternoon and then painting a "House Portrait" on location the next two days. Alan's interest in all forms of architecture and its relationship with its natural surroundings is a reoccuring theme in his art.
Al painting in the garden of The Timmel Collection's Saugatuck Gallery.