Ginger Creasy

Any kind of art is a set of various conditions for creating work: time, light, material support, etc. If you want to read more about how to set yourself up for work, or why it's so important to develop your capabilities (because it affects the perception of reality), you can read about it at https:/

"I was born in the Spring Lake, Grand Haven area. I've been drawing since I could hold a crayon. My mother cherished my first art work which was on my wall in my bedroom. My mother started all five of us on crafts before school age. She would put the materials for different projects in the middle of the table: paints, crayons, clay, and various materials.

My expertise is really in portrait drawings: of people and animals. My very first painting was of three lions reflecting into the water. It was done with white paint on black velvet. This is a painting I kept for myself. I've been selling my work since 1981. I've done many different projects throughout my life. Scenery, abstract, people, animals, etc. I work with water colors, acrylics, colored pencil, pastel, and various craft material.

In school Iwas extremely shy. I just sat and drew for hours. This was the only way I could express myself. That is how my talent developed. I married my best friend in school, who was himself an artist. I've been with Phillip since 1981. We have two sons: Weston was born in 1987 and River in 1997. Both are artisits. River shows an extraordinary interest in art. We also have three cats, and two rats as part of my family."