Jean Accola
Prints come in two, possibly three sizes ... and can be customed sized.
They are all Limited Edition and signed by the Artist so please Contact
The Galley (here) for availability, proper size, and pricing.
Edwardian |
Fragile Beauty |
Copper Grass |
Exploding Cattailsl |
Flowers and Berries Size: Contact Gallery |
Forest Flora |
Leaves of Grass |
Maple Eclipse |
Mileweed |
Norwegian |
October Oaks |
Orchids |
Pansies |
Pines |
Prairie and Meadow Wildflowers |
Roses/Rock Wall |
Royal Ferns |
Septmeber Wildflowers |
Texas Wildflowers |
Wild Mystery |
Wisconsin Endangered |
Neutral Territory |
Switch Grass |
Our Sisters |
Minnesota Endangered |
Prarie Dropseed |
Native Flora |
Cotton Wood |
Mood Indigo |
Jean Is Available
For Commission Work
Please Contact
"Collector Services"
The Timmel Collection"
Shipping, Handling and
With All Pricing
In The Domestic U.S.
Care has been given to accurately display images within "The Timmel Collection." Due to configurations beyond the artist's control, the clarity and exactitude of color in the images is limited.
All images are protected by copyright law. This material is for use only within the business place of "The Timmel Collection" and is not to be reproduced or distributed in any way. "The Timmel Collection" takes full responsibility for reproducing these images and no other copier is liable in the event of a copyright dispute.