Joel Timmel
I write
I have, with some interruption
Since I was 17 years old.
Forty years later
I am ready to print what I have written
"Love me or leave me"
This is what I am
(Click on above title for more information)
Available here in August 2004. Written in 1996 and 1997.
(Click on above title for more information)
Available here in August 2004. Written in 1997 and 1998
"What Went Wrong In Dreamland"
(Click on above title for more information)
Available here in August 2004. First part written in 1981 and the second in1998.
The Artisians represented by The Timmel Collection have no relationship to nor (may) agree with the content of the writing contained herewithin.
(Please note, those under 18 should proceed with caution and those over 18 with limited mentalities should not proceed at all.)