Sandra Sedlack
Narrative Statement
To see enlargements of each painting, please click on the same.
Original Watercolors
Size: 55" x 37"
Medium: Oil with Acrylic Frame
Unframed Price: $2500.00
"Sea Grapes" |
"Morning Glory" |
"Counter Arrangement" |
Scarlet Runner Beads |
"Laxton Progress" |
"The Path Has Overgrown Medium: Watercolor |
"Revelations of the Medium: Watercolor |
"Refreshed By the Cool Medium: Watercolor |
"Tickled By The Medium: Watercolor |
"Vanity" Medium: Watercolor |
"Sweet Taste of Life" Medium: Watercolor |
"First Warmth of Medium: Watercolor |
"In A Timelesss Flow" Medium: Watercolor |
"Water Lilly Reflections" Medium: Watercolor |
"River Song" Medium: Watercolor |
"The Full Moon Guides Medium: Watercolor |
"Where Faries Rest" Medium: Watercolor |
"Cool Fragrant Medium: Watercolor |
"The Timmel Collection" Sandra Is Available |
Dahlias |
Care has been given to accurately display images within "The Timmel Collection." Due to configurations beyond the artist's control, the clarity and exactitude of color in the images is limited.
All images are protected by copyright law. This material is for use only within the business place of "The Timmel Collection" and is not to be reproduced or distributed in any way. "The Timmel Collection" takes full responsibility for reproducing these images and no other copier is liable in the event of a copyright dispute.